Sunday 8:00 am- I went to Our Lady of Guadalupe Church because a parishioner was having the mass dedicated to her son who had just returned from Iraq a few days before. I saw a multimedia opportunity (which I am working on and should have something by friday). This assignment turned out to be quite the challenge because it turns out that it was a Spanish mass. I'm kinda glad that I minored in Spanish for 4 semesters. However, I was way out of my comfort zone, and was trying to be as respectful as possible.The fact that I am Catholic as well as everyone else there offered me some comfort...but I have to say that this was the most uncomfortable experience I have ever had on an assignment.

(Rebecca Craig/ The New Mexican)
Family gather around Douglas Chevarría as Father Tri gives him a blessing at Our Lady of Guadalupe church Sunday morning. Chevarría just returned from Iraq, where he was deployed in 2006 and 2007, and his family had a Mass dedicated to him for his safe return.

And here are some additional shots:

Oh, and there was also a Baptism that took place.. .